What Components are on the PCB Board?


September 27, 2024

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are small yet one of the most crucial components of modern-day electronics. These small circuit boards, often no larger than your hand, power countless electronic devices we rely on daily from smartphones and laptops to medical equipment and industrial machinery. But what is it exactly that makes a PCB work this way? It’s the intricate combination and placement of various electronic components working in harmony. Let’s take a look at the fascinating world of PCB components, exploring their functions and roles in PCBA board assembly.

The Main Components of the PCBA Board

A PCB is a meticulously crafted platform that connects numerous electronic components. These components can be broadly categorized into two main groups:

The Main Components of PCBA Board
Passive Components: These components primarily control, regulate, or filter electrical signals without amplifying them. They are the workforce of a circuit, ensuring proper signal flow and circuit stability. Here are some key passive components:

  • Resistors: These small components regulate current flow by offering resistance. They come in various fixed resistances and are used for voltage division, current limiting, and biasing other components.
  • Capacitors: Capacitors store electrical energy and then release it when needed. They help smooth out voltage fluctuations, decouple power supplies, and filter out unwanted frequencies.
  • Inductors: Inductors oppose changes in current flow and store energy in a magnetic field. They are used for filtering radio frequencies (RF) signals, blocking AC while allowing DC to pass, and in power supply circuits.
  • Diodes: These one-way valves for current flow only allow electricity to pass in one direction. They are used for rectification (converting AC to DC), signal protection, and voltage regulation.

Active Components: These components amplify electrical signals or perform specific electronic functions. They are the brains of a circuit, processing information and generating output signals. Here are some vital active components:

  • Integrated Circuits (ICs): Also known as “chips,” these tiny components integrate countless transistors and other components into a single package. They come in a vast array of types, performing functions like logic gates, microprocessors, memory chips, and specialized controllers.
  • Transistors: These fundamental building blocks of electronics amplify electrical signals or act as electronic switches. They are the core components of many ICs and are used for signal amplification, switching, and voltage regulation.
  • Operational Amplifiers (Op-Amps): These versatile ICs amplify and process analog signals. They are used in a wide range of applications, including audio amplifiers, sensor amplifiers, and analog filters.

Specialized Components of a PCBA Board

The world of PCBA Board components extends far beyond the core components mentioned above. Specialized components cater to specific functionalities and applications in the PCBA board. Here are some examples:

  • Crystal Oscillators: These components provide a precise and stable reference frequency, crucial for clocking circuits in devices like computers and communication equipment.
  • Connectors: These essential interfaces allow PCBs to connect with other components, cables, and external devices. They come in various forms, including USB ports, HDMI connectors, and power jacks.
  • Fuses: These safety devices interrupt the circuit in case of excessive current flow, protecting components from damage.
  • Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): These versatile components emit light when electric current passes through them, used for indicators, displays, and lighting applications.
  • Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS): These tiny, integrated devices combine mechanical and electrical components to perform various functions, such as sensing, actuation, and data processing. They are found in applications like accelerometers, gyroscopes, and pressure sensors.
  • Radio Frequency (RF) Components: These components are essential for wireless communication and include devices like antennas, amplifiers, and mixers.

What is the Role of Each Component

What is the Role of Each Component

To gain a deeper understanding of PCB components, let’s explore the role of some key examples in more detail:


  • Variable resistors (potentiometers) allow for manual adjustment of resistance, used in volume controls or dimmer switches.
  • Fixed resistors offer precise resistance values and are used in a wide range of applications, including voltage dividers, current limiting, and biasing circuits.


  • Ceramic capacitors are known for their high capacitance values and are commonly used for decoupling and filtering applications.
  • Electrolytic capacitors offer high capacitance values in a smaller package but have a limited voltage rating and polarity sensitivity.
  • Tantalum capacitors are known for their low leakage current and good stability, making them suitable for precision applications.


  • Toroidal inductors offer high inductance values in a compact size and are widely used in power supply circuits and RF filters.
  • Wirewound inductors are constructed by winding a coil of wire around a core. They are used in applications requiring high inductance values, such as inductors for transformers.

Integrated Circuits (ICs):

  • Microprocessors execute instructions and control the overall operation of a device.
  • Microcontrollers combine processor, memory, and input/output (I/O) interfaces on a single chip, widely used in embedded systems.
  • Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are highly configurable ICs that can be programmed to perform various functions, offering flexibility and customization.

How to Choose the Right Components?

How to Choose the Right Components

Selecting the appropriate components for your PCBA depends on several factors, including:

  • Circuit design and functionality: The specific components needed will be dictated by the circuit’s purpose. For example, a simple power supply circuit will require different components compared to a complex communication device.
  • Performance requirements: Factors like operating voltage, current handling capacity, and frequency response will influence the choice of components.
  • Cost and availability: While some components are standard and readily available, others may be more specialized and expensive.

The reliability and performance of your final product hinges on the quality of the components used in the PCBA board. LHD Tech understands this critical aspect and sources top-tier components from reputable suppliers, ensuring your PCBA functions flawlessly.

A PCB may appear simple at first glance, but it’s a carefully designed harmony of electronic components working together. From the simple resistor to the complex IC, each component plays a vital role in ensuring the PCB functions as intended. By understanding the types of components used in PCBA boards, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate world of electronics that powers our modern lives.

At LHD Tech, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including PCB design, fabrication, PCBA board, and testing. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing the highest quality products and services, ensuring your PCBAs meet your exact specifications.


Stone Shen

Stone Shen

Stone is the senior technical support and experienced sales engineer at LHD PCB, with more than twelve years of experience in the PCB design, manufacturing, and assembly industry. Served as an Engineering Manager for a Listed PCB company for eight years and has extensive experience in handling various large projects. Now worked as a sales engineer at LHD PCB and also provide product and technical services to different kinds of companies, rich experience in industrial control, the Internet of Things, medical, and new energy product projects.

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