Shipping problem influence PCB manufacturing cost


27 11 月, 2020

From August begins,there are lacking container,heavy traffic,refuse to shipping,shipping cost rising rapidly situation in global world appears and have no effective way to deal with this problem.

Under the bad epidemic in global situation cause many country have to block their region,stop to work and also the working of port.Now too many traffic problem are happening in the global port.

So many ship company has increasing price and additional charge due to those trouble.

Such as CMA CGM ship company,all cargo comes from China use CMA ship.  

Shipping problem influence PCB manufacturing cost


And ONE ship company push announcement will receive 1300 USD for per cold container traffic-busy fee which comes to TianJin in China.

Shipping problem influence PCB manufacturing cost


Also Mediterranean ship company receive 1500 USD for per cold container.


Shipping problem influence PCB manufacturing cost


Those situation happened also effect electronic manufacturing service.Our products such as  bare print circuit boards, PCBA boards,Fr4 material sheet,components in general will ship it by sea commonly.Rest will send it by air.Now shipment cost increasing so much makes our PCB manufacturing industry very trouble.Many Customers cost of PCB is increasing and the delivery time also extend.And air shipping also gets same trouble.

Those problem will be more strictly when that day comes near to Chinese New Year.Many cargo needs to ship while many worker are out of working.

Therefore,to avoid those problem,LHD Technology a professional PCB&PCBA Manufacturer suggest that you should order PCB early means shipping it early will avoid the cost increasing possible.


Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about our company or products,our team will try our best to support you.


Stone Shen

Stone Shen

Stone is the senior technical support and experienced sales engineer at LHD PCB, with more than twelve years of experience in the PCB design, manufacturing, and assembly industry. Served as an Engineering Manager for a Listed PCB company for eight years and has extensive experience in handling various large projects. Now worked as a sales engineer at LHD PCB and also provide product and technical services to different kinds of companies, rich experience in industrial control, the Internet of Things, medical, and new energy product projects.

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